Having been made to believe Elvis died of a drug overdose by “ the hands of those around him”, I was very interested in hearing the doctors’ side of the story. In today’s world, you are constantly hearing about a different celebrity overdosing on some drug- be it Heath Ledger or Michael Jackson. The first thing all reporters say is “Who was their doctor? Or How did they get all those pills?” Having just read a book about Marilyn Monroe, I came to find out measures in which many celebrities will use to obtain the drugs they want. It’s not only their main physician anymore; it’s more of a “shopping” method many of these celebrities use to get what they need from whomever will give it to them.

Dr. Nichopoulos does a great job of explaining his position with Elvis- from his many ailments to his family and social circle to his touring life and how it affected him to the pills he prescribed Elvis while under his care. He goes into detail about his relationship with Elvis and the many methods Elvis used to get the drugs he wanted when Dr. Nichopoulos would not prescribe him any. Although no one will really know what happened that night, Dr. Nichopoulos explains their relationship in such a way that you do truly believe he cared for his famous patient. Whether you believe him or not, this book is worth reading, especially for people like me- those who are interested in finding out what happened to celebrities who died way too soon.
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