A few weeks ago I saw online that the trailer for the new Tim Burton film was avaliable and clicked on to see. Little did I know that by watching that clip I would instantly be sucked into a new obsession.

The film, Alice in Wonderland, stars Johnny Depp (ahh I love him!), Helena Bonham Carter,
Anne Hathaway (bleh) and others.

The movie looks amazing...I can't wait to see it.

Now that doesn't sound weird until you take a little look further into my brain. The reason I believe it is a new obsession is because I have watched the clip at least a dozen times, googled it more than that, started listening to the audio book of the Lewis Carroll novel,
watched the Disney version,
and even downloaded a song onto my iPod.

These are not normal events!!! I've been trying to figure out why I have become so fascinated by this movie and I think the reasons are (a) JOHNNY!!!!
and finally (c) a little part of me has always been obsessed with Alice in Wonderland.

My reason for explanation C is because when I was like 8 years old I used to watch one TV show before school every single day. It was called Adventures in Wonderland and I LOVED IT!!!!!
I still miss it and look for it on DVD and iTunes. It was about a girl who would walk through her bedroom mirror and enter Wonderland and discover new things... My favorite episode was when she learned that Luden's Cherry Throat Drops were not candy; they were medicine and she should not eat them like candy... I know cheesy, but it's Disney!!! Oh and I also dressed as Alice for Halloween when I was I wanna say 6 and carried around my stuffed White Rabbit.

It was until a few weeks before the trailer came out that I had an unexplainable need to download the audio book of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll... partly because I got it for free, possibly because it is narrated by the same man who narrates Pushing Daisies, but I think I've always wanted to know what the book was like.

I still keep thinking about how my go-to movie is still Disney's Alice in Wonderland
and how I watch it before I go to bed, which does give me weird dreams I have to say... I once dreamt I was dancing around a giant umbrella like the Walrus did

.... I know, I'm very strange....
Oh, did I mention my new love of croquet?!

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