Max Lucado's One Hand, Two Hands is a children's book written to show young children the many ways in which we can use our hands. From cleaning to clapping to grabbing and praying, Max Lucado describes the many ways we use our hands in a wonderful, sweet, easy for young children to understand manner.
The book is a quick and easy read for children who have just learned to read. It is beautifully illustrated by Gaby Hansen. I recommend this book for parents of young children, up to around age 6. I think this book is a great tool for parents to use when trying to show children the many ways in which they should be thankful to God in their daily life. I would use this book as a night time story but also as a tool for teaching childrent the ways to be thankful to God and how he has helped us. There is a great page in the back of the book that lists the many ways we use our hands.
This is a GREAT book. This book would be good to read to children who are starting to question how God affects their daily lives. I think more children's books need to be written to explain the many things we should be thankful for; many which we was adults forget about.