A lot of people today tend to forget about a little word called RESPECT. Be it for themselves, for those they know or even someone they do not know, people tend to forget that in order to receive respect you must give respect. Deborah Norville writes about the power respect can have on one's life and why it is so important to not only respect yourself but to respect those you encounter everyday. Everyone can point out a person they see during the day who does not respect themselves. Deborah shows why it is so important to respect everyone and everything around you. Just because you may become a high paying executive in a multi-million dollar company, that does not mean that you should not respect the person who sweeps your office every night. Every living thing on this planet deserves the same respect. We all came in this world the same way. No one is better than anyone else. Everyone should read this book because although many have been taught this their whole lives, I think we all need a little reminder every once in a while.