In the book Kabul 24 by Henry O. Arnold and Ben Pearson, the story of Shelter Now International workers capture, trial and release from the Taliban is told in a profound way. The story goes further into detail than the news ever gave. How these individuals survived this event is unbelievable. To sum up the story, these individuals were set up by the Taliban and the people they thought they were helping. They were invited into these homes and used as game pieces in a well thought out game of strategy. These men KNEW what they were doing and actually thought out the best way to get the US!!! The capture of these workers happened just before 9/11 and it was planned to happen that way in order to attack the US. These amazing people dealt with the most uncivilized, disgusting people I have ever read about! The way these workers and some of their families describe what they went through actually made my heart beat in my throat at times. These workers used their belief in God to get through this unbelievable experience. All this took place because they THOUGHT these people were teaching Christianity and they weren't. No facts were checked, no investigations… It was almost like the Salem Witch Trials! No justice can take place when you are dealing with people like the Taliban. They don't care who you are, where you come from… they will kill you just for not being a Muslim. The charges these individuals faced were made up and in no way would they have stuck in the United States Judicial System. This is an AMAZING book… If you want to learn about how the Taliban and some people in Afghanistan treat foreigners you must read this book. I had no idea some of these people do the things they do to Americans. A movie based on this book will be coming out soon and I will be watching it! The authors did such a great job describing the pain these individuals went through. Although the book is about Christian missionaries, the majority of the book only discusses what they went through and doesn't make it all about the Christian faith so if you are concerned that this book will be filled with religious sentiment, I can honestly tell you it is not. Everyone should read this book… especially those who think the Taliban is not a real threat!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
From Peanuts to the Pressbox

Eli Gold has been a sportscaster for over 25 years. He began his work as a young man, not even out of high school, on the radio and eventually landed on TV, doing commentary for NASCAR. Along the way he met many fellow sportscasters who would one day become well known to many, including Marv Albert and Bob Costas. Eli has covered a wide array of sporting events- from hockey to NASCAR. His dream began as a little boy listening to the radio before bed and even now has not diminished regardless of the success he has achieved as a renowned sportscaster.
Eli's book starts off telling the story of a young boy who dreamed of one day working on the radio, doing what he loved to do most- talking about sports. The book does not really go too deeply into Eli's life but it does describe the world of sports during the 1970's to today wonderfully. This book is wonderful for any sports enthusiast. Not being one myself, I still found myself pulled in to the many stories Eli tells about the world of sports and all the amazing people he got a chance to meet. A quick, great read!