Over the weekend, I took a trip with my Aunt Jill, Mumsey and cousins to Martha's Vineyard Fiber Farm. It only took about 2 hours from Rockville Centre,NY to arrive there. Luckily, I remembered to pack my portable DVD player with me for the ride and a few DVDs- Pee Wee
Herman Season 1 and 2 and
Enchanted and the power plug for the first time ever! I was also smart enough to pack my Garmin GPS with me, which without it we may have wound up in Maine, or Canada, but definitely not there. We arrived safely and had a little tail-gate in the street out of my aunt's trunk. My cousins enjoyed eating their fried chicken and
Magnolia Bakery Cupcakes in the street. As we were walking to meet up with friends, the overwhelming smell of goats came upon us. Let's just say it's a good thing it wasn't hot! We walked around the farm for a little bit until my one cousin had to go inside of the goat pen. It wasn't SO bad, but a little stinky. I was fine until my sneakers got covered with, let's say mud, and I had to change into my
rain boots which thankfully I packed. The goats were adorable!!
After spending some time with the goats, we walked around the beautiful property. We saw some men using the wool to create beautiful blankets and scarves.

After that we walked over the bridge to, lucky us, a Revolutionary War re-enact er. Thank goodness he was there; my cousin's were entertained for a few hours. As we were walking over the bridge, the wonderful smell of Lilac took over. Of course we swiped a little branch and brought it home with us. After spending a good 1/2 hour with the Revolutionary man, we walked back over the bridge to where the sheep were being sheered.

Having never seen a sheep being sheered, I was a little nervous as to how it was done. I don't know if amazed was my reaction, but I definitely was shocked at how quickly, painlessly and perfectly this man sheered these sheep. All the wool came off in one bunch and not a nic on the sheep!

Watching two sheep was enough for my cousins, that and the bees swarming overhead, so we went back to the revolutionary man, but not before visiting the gift shop and picking up a few goodies to take home. We spent what felt like forever with the man until it was time to venture back into the car; but not without another quick visit to the goat pen. If it was not for that last goat pen visit, we never would have seen the CHICKENS! Now, having had a chicken earlier in my life I knew that they sometimes were not the most approachable of animals, but these chickens could care less who came near them and how close they got.

All in all, it was a great day. Spending time there at the farm and looking around at the other visitors, my aunt reminded me of a certain episode of
Gilmore Girls and I have to say she was right! Hope everyone else has some good weekend adventures!